Alberta Jump Rope Workshop

October 23, 2017 -

The Camrose Spirals Jump Rope Club is hosting their annual recreational skipping workshop.  This workshop is open to the general public as well as Alberta rec skippers.

-- Saturday, November 18, 2017
-- Two sessions to choose from! 9-12 OR 1-4
-- École Sifton School in Camrose, Alberta
-- Cost: $45.00 per session ($46 for non RSA members)
-- ages 5+ (boys AND girls)
-- 3 hours in the gym
-- small group instructions with our amazing athlete instructors
-- nutritious snacks & beverages, and an event goodie bag!
-- Registration Deadline: November 1st

No previous jump rope experience required! This is a great way to learn about the sport of jump rope in a relaxed and fun environment!

For more information and to register please visit:

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