Please find information for the 2018 Skipping Summit. Our event is limited to 100 athletes. If you have questions, please email
Please view excel spreadsheet on how to fill out the registration form for athletes, coaches, and judges. Email completed excel registration form to
Registration form and fees are due OCTOBER 3. Registrations are to be submitted from each club NOT as individuals. Once registration is received, there are no refunds on this event. Late registration fee of $25 per skipper will be assessed on registration forms received AFTER October 3, 2018
All waivers and RSC insurance forms must be valid for every athlete, parent, judge, and coach attending this event. Waivers and insurance forms can be found here. We will not be accepting paper copies of waivers at the event. You must be a registered athlete with RSA prior to the Summit.
*schedule subject to change*
The RSA Skipping Summit is being held at Sacred Heart School, 4419 – 52 Avenue, Wetaskiwin, AB. A detailed weekend schedule will be available at a later date.
Friday, October 19, 2018
5:00 – 5:30 pm – Arrival and check in
6:00 – 9:00 pm – Training
*BONUS* coach performance …. You don’t want to miss this!!
Saturday, October 20, 2018
9:00 – 12:00 pm – Training
12:00 – 1:00 pm – lunch
1:00 – 6:00 – Training
5:00 – 6:00 – Adult Skip Challenge
6:00 – 6:30 pm – Dinner
6:30 – 8:00 pm – Training (advanced groups only)
*Coach sessions, Sports Psychologist, yoga, team building workshop, stretching, Judge training for speed, creativity A & B, and Double Dutch turning all happening during athlete training*
Sunday, October 21, 2018
9:00 – 12:00pm – Training
12:00 – 1:00 pm – Lunch
1:00 – 4:00 pm – Training
*NCCP Making Ethical Decisions (9am-1pm), team building workshop, Judge training (difficulty), and hair braiding all happening during athlete training*
NCCP MED - Making Ethical Decisions
We have booked Alberta Sport Connection to come out on Sunday Oct 21 to teach the required Making Ethical Decisions modules to our Alberta coaches. This session will be approximately 3.5 hours long. There is a maximum of 20 spots available and minimum age is 16 years old to attend. Cost to attend this session will be $20. If the coach is registered as an athlete, there is no additional fee to take this course.
If you do not have a NCCCP The Locker account, they will assist you in this process.
Please note: the NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport (online) will be FREE the week of September 22-30, 2018. This would be a great time to get this course completed.
The first RSA AdultSkip Challenge will be piloted at the 2018 RSA Skipping Summit on Saturday evening. One gym will be closed to athletes under 18 years of age during this pilot. There will not be a registration fee to participate. Registration is attached in the Summit Registration Form.
Full details about the adult skip challenge, rules, events, and scoring can be found in the document below.
- Judging training will happen all day Saturday and Sunday. We have invited Ellory Bruce, RSC National Judge Trainer, to assist Myles with judge training. We encourage all parents to attend the judging regardless if they judge this year or not. The knowledge you will gain will help your child and your club. It is highly recommended to participate. No parent will be forced to judge by attending this workshop.
- Please note that parents will be allowed to view athlete training. Parents are not to enter onto the floor nor interfere with the coaching in progress.
- No food or drinks will be provided during the weekend. Please ensure all athletes come with snacks, lunches, and water, etc. It is advisable that a few parents from each club pick up lunches for their athletes to ensure the lunch break is efficient and so afternoon sessions start on time.
- Each club will be responsible for volunteering to set up, clean up, organize, other miscellaneous tasks, etc. Please ask how you can help, or clubs will be assigned tasks.
- All attendees must be a member of RSA in good standing in order to attend the Skipping Summit. Get your club's registration in before the Summit.
- Once registration is received, there are no refunds on this event. Late registration fee of $25 per skipper will be assessed on registration forms received AFTER October 3, 2018
- All waivers and RSC insurance forms must be valid for every athlete, parent, and coach attending this event. Waivers and insurance forms can be found here. We will not be accepting paper copies of waivers at the event. You must be a registered athlete prior to the Summit.
Please note, some of these prices could be cheaper if booked online or booked with a no cancellation policy. You may also find accommodation in either Leduc or Camrose (about 25 minute drive).
- Super 8 Wetaskiwin (780) 361-3808 (block under Rope Skipping Alberta Summit)
- Alberta Inns & Suites (780) 352-2222 (no block of rooms)
- Best Western Wayside Inn (780) 312-7300 (block under Rope Skipping Alberta Summit)
Make sure you are following Rope Skipping Alberta on Facebook and Instagram for the announcement of facilitators over the coming weeks.